Investment Plans

Help agencies to define their new business objectives and then create professional software.

Business Plan

$69 - $999

6% Every Day
  • Profit For Lifetime
  • Capital will back Yes
  • Lifetime Earning

Baby Plan

$99 - $888

$6 Every Day
  • Profit For Every Day
  • Capital will back Yes
  • Total 0 USD + Capital
  • Lifetime Earning

Hatchling Plan


6% Every Day
  • Profit For Lifetime
  • Capital will back No
  • Lifetime Earning

Secondary Pack

$89 - $666

$3 Every Day
  • Profit For Every Day
  • Capital will back Yes
  • Total 1080 USD + Capital
  • Lifetime Earning

Starter Pack

$50 - $400

1% Every Day
  • Profit For Lifetime
  • Capital will back Yes
  • Lifetime Earning